Sunday, May 17, 2020

An Argumentative Essay Sample They Say I Say

An Argumentative Essay Sample They Say I SayAn argumentative essay sample they say I say is a worthwhile tool to use in college or even for high school students to use in class. Using an argumentative essay sample they say I say can help a student become a better writer and thinker. It gives them an idea of how the outline works, how to organize their writing and allows them to think through an argument before they write it down on paper.The format of a persuasive essay is an essay that begins with an argument, concludes with a conclusion and ends with a review of the merits of the argument. For this reason a persuasive essay should be able to be used as a teaching aid. By being able to use the arguments of others and having them prove them you are showing your students that they don't have to use their own arguments but rather use the arguments of others and agree with them so they are using their own argument.The use of the persuasive essay can also help students practice what they learn in class. The better you can demonstrate your knowledge of the written word the better you will be able to convince your class of your knowledge. For this reason a persuasive essay is just another tool to use.The way a persuasive essay work is by the writer writing down the argument of the writer of the argumentative essay. The writer will argue what the conclusion of the argument is. Then they add facts that support their argument in the opinion section. In this way the argument is being made more convincing by having the writer of the argumentative essay use their own words to create the argument that they are trying to argue.The persuasive essay begins with the argument. This may be done by writing an essay titled An Argument for why one is correct. This essay should first explore the issue or question in the essay then address the problem the writer sees. The persuasive essay should take a position on the issue and then address the concern that the writer has for the othe r side's argument.The persuasive essay continues by addressing the objection that the other side has. This is done by writing an essay titled Another Argument against that the writer believes in. The argument does not have to be perfect but should have enough supporting evidence to prove the argument of the other writer. Finally, the concluding essay is a summary of the debate and what each person should do next.There are two kinds of persuasive essays. One is called the expert persuasive essay and it is a short essay that lays out the strengths of the writer and his or her ability to answer the problems that the other writer presents. It is a short essay that is formatted as an outline. It is the argument that is written out in a more organized fashion that gives more persuasive effect.The other type of persuasive essay is called the objective persuasive essay. It is an essay that uses reasons that the author already knows and bases their opinions on the facts.

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