Sunday, August 2, 2020

Metaphor of the Month Mayday! Richmond Writing

Metaphor of the Month Mayday! Richmond Writing This internationally recognized call for help has long been common parlance, but until today, when I checked the OED listing, I had no idea of its origin. A 1923 usage listed gives us all we need to know: Owing to the difficulty of distinguishing the letter ‘S’ by telephone, the international distress signal ‘S.O.S.’   will give place to the words ‘May-day’, the phonetic equivalent of ‘Maidez’, the French for ‘Help me’. Fascinating and perhaps our briefest post yet. Good luck with finals, students! Have a word or metaphor worth pondering? This blog will continue all summer.  Please nominate a word or metaphor useful in academic writing by e-mailing me (jessid -at- richmond -dot- edu) or leaving a comment below. See all of our Metaphors of the Month  here  and Words of the Week  here. Image courtesy of Pixabay.

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